Mystery Authors V

Writer Who Where When How Much Why
Van Ash, Cay Dr. Petrie and Nayland Smith England early 1900s
Fu Manchu is whodunnit
Van Dine, S. S. Philo Vance New York, NY 1920s
Philo Vance is wealthy New Yorker who solves crimes (crimes that have baffled the police) with his understanding of psychology
Van Giesen, Judith Claire Reynier Albuquerque, NM Present
Claire is archivist at the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico
Vatsal, Radha Capability "Kitty" Weeks New York, NY 1915
Kitty wants to be a journalist, but as a woman, the only newspaper job she can get is Ladies Page Assistant. (Women are not allowed in the news room at The New York Sentinal.) When a murder occurs while Kitty is covering a society party, she phones the news in to the Sentinel's news desk, and she gets to assist with investigating and writing the story.