Mystery Authors E

Writer Who Where When How Much Why
Eberhart, Mignon     1920s
"Had I But Known" school
Edwards, Grace Mali Anderson New York, NY Present
African-American police woman in Harlem
Eglin, Anthony Kate and Alex Sheppard and Lawrence Kingston Steeple Tarant, Wiltshire, England Present
Ehrman, Kit Steve Cline Maryland Present
horse farming
Eichler, Selma Desiree Shapiro New York, NY Present
Desiree is overweight widow
Elkins, Aaron Chris Norgren Europe Present
Chris is art historian
Elkins, Aaron Gideon Oliver Olympic Peninsula, WA Present
Gideon is forensic anthropologist
Elkins, Aaron and Charlotte Lee Ofsted Monterey, CA and Los Alamos, NM Present
Lee is member of LPGA
Emmerson, Miranda Anna Treadway -- dresser for film/stage actress Iolanthe Green, Aloysius Weathers -- Jamacan-born accountant, and Barnaby (Brennan) Hayes -- Metropolitan Police London, UK 1965
Iolanthe Green left the theater after an evening's performance and was never seen again. Because Anna thinks the police aren't looking very hard, she searches for her boss.She learns that Iolanthe spent a lot of time at a Carnaby Street club, called "Roaring Twenties". While talking to people at Roaring Twenties, Anna meets Aloysius who helps her search. Policeman Hayes also searches.
Engel, Howard Benny Cooperman Grantham, Ontario, Canada Present
Englert, J. F. Randolph New York, NY Present
Randolph is Labrador Retriever
Erickson, Lynn Ellie Kramer Boulder, CO Present
Evanovich, Janet Stephanie Plum New Jersey Present
Stephanie is bounty hunter
Evans, Liz Grace Smith Seatoun, England Present
Funny as well as great plot and characters